You deserve care and guidance in solving problems and uncovering your potential.
woman smiling

Every day, people experience problems in varying degrees.

Some people may be innately resilient and find healthy and happy solutions to the challenges they face. But others may need help. Without the compassionate advice and direction of professionals, they may fall into a cycle of suffering that ruins their quality of life.

Empowered Living LLC aims to change that. My social work practice was founded in 2014 to answer the calls for help of many ordinary citizens. With more than 25 years of professional experience in guiding people to reach their potential through compassionate, thoughtfully planned counseling and goal-setting sessions, you can rely on my expertise as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in helping you thrive in the midst of hardship.

I keep my hands and doors open to clients in Northeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We can talk through your problems and find satisfying solutions together, whether it is for improving relationships, self-esteem, and interpersonal issues.

Reaching out to a professional and trusted therapist may be one of the best choices you ever make. Seek help now!

  • My Mission

    I aim to help others discover the way to succeed over their challenges in life. As long as you are breathing and your problems can be identified, there is always a solution in sight. Reach out and never lose hope.

  • What Choose Empowered Living LLC?

    Most practices are only open during typical business hours. But my social worker practice offers later afternoon to evening hours. It is available on weekends as well. For those who prefer to have consultations at their own residence, home appointments are available for an additional fee. Enjoy confidential, compassionate, and life-enhancing therapy sessions every time we meet.

You Deserve All the Help You Need

It may feel like your problems are overwhelming you at the moment. But there is always a way to survive and thrive. You just need the right support and guidance.

Get started today. Schedule an appointment or dial 570-234-0403 now.